Saturday, September 24, 2011


A big "THANK YOU" to K'miyah for providing snacks for several weeks for our class!  
We have snack everyday and I've encouraged the students to bring in their own healthy snacks, with an occasional treat from others!  As a reminder - only dry, healthy snacks, as snacks such as yogurt, fruit cups, and jello can get messy.

**We do have a student who has an allergy to oranges, so please do not send oranges.**


Please be on the lookout for the Friday Folders and Friday Forms.  These will be coming home every Friday with the week's homework and any important forms or additional information.
One side is for papers that need to stay home, and the other side is for papers/forms that need to be returned.  

You will need to initial at the bottom of the form where it states "Parent's Initials", so that I know you have read over the checks and the comments.  This form allows communication between myself and home to show your child's behavior and homework/classroom participation is for the week.

We have a very chatty class and it is getting in the way of our learning. The students and I have discussed how the constant talking takes away the rights of our classmates from learning.  Please discuss this with your child and encourage them to use strategies that will help them respect others, and advance their own learning.


Milestone 1: Thursday, October 20th

Milestone 2: Thursday, November 17th

Milestone 3: Thursday, December 8th

*Detail information for each Milestone will be in your child’s Friday folder on next Monday, October 3rd!


For our first exhibition this year, your child will be teaching the class about a state.  I will be discussing this on Monday with the students so they will understand the expectations for their exhibitions.  You will have the option of completing the paper form that will be sent home on Monday, or completing the form on the blog, which will be under "Permission Forms" at the top of the page.  Your and your child will need to list three top choices of states.  Choices will be made on a first come basis.  

Forms are due on Thursday, September 29th.  I will have all the requirements, and your child's choice, returned by Monday, October 3rd.  Once the state is chosen, it is FINAL, so make a fun and wise choice!

Chris Cakes

Please join us for ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Pancakes!


LOCATION: Ellen Thompson (front parking lot if weather permits)
DATE: Thursday September 29, 2011
TIME:  5:00-7:00 p.m.                                                               
COST: $6.00 per person at the front desk
            $7.00 per person at the door
            (Children under 2 free) 

Thursday, September 22, 2011


There's a new tab at the top of this page - "WEBSITES FOR STUDENTS".  I've put links there for math, writing, and reading games.  There are also links for looking at the phases of the moon, which the students are learning about in science.  The games are all related to what we have been learning in these subjects.  Enjoy!

Sunday, September 18, 2011



Thank you to all spent the evening with me:

K'miyah and her mom
Micah and her mom
khalila and her dad
brianna and her mom
Mrs. reynolds
Kierra and her mom

Our week in review....

Writing:  We've been working on making recommendations to papers written by other students.  This is in preparation for writing on the MEAP.  We are looking at what makes a strong paper - punctuation, grammar, spelling, specific details, and staying on topic.  The students read a paper, found errors, corrected errors, and then wrote recommendations.  **A NOTE OF HOMEWORK FOR THIS: I told the students I would post the writing prompt on the blog on Friday for those that weren't able to get it before dismissal.  I apologize.  Something came up for me this weekend & I was not able to do that.  We will continue to work on these, and I will give students time in class.**

Math:  Students reviewed double bar graphs, entering data, addition and subtraction of whole numbers, and place value to  1 million. Please write numbers and have your students read them, tell you what place value a certain number is in, and write them out in expanded form:  123,456 = 100,000 + 20,000 + 3,000 + 400 + 50 + 6.

Map:  We completed all three MAP tests this week (Language Arts, Math, & Reading).  Students who are new to UPA will be taking the test sometime this week with Mrs. Johnson.

Reading:  Our focus this week was on making connections with the text we are reading to our own experiences (text-to-self) and to other texts (text-to-text).  This next week we will be completing this with text-to-world connections, and moving into understanding how to summarize what we read without actually retelling the story.  

Science: Mrs. Tiggs read The Giving Tree and the classes discuss what each student will give to each other during science and social studies.  The students wrote these on green leaves and they will be hung on a tree in the cubbies.