Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Scholastic book orders are due this Friday, 10/1/20.  Soon you will be able to order books online from Scholastic. When parents order online, our class adds up additional points, which allows us to order free books from Scholastic!  The students have the latest book order and there is an incentive that if we order $20 or more this order, each student in the class will receive a free book!  Let's do it!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


IMPORTANT:  Milestone #1 - Due Thursday, October 7th

  • All resources for the interest project:  at least 3 books AND 3 websites on the correct form with a parent signature.
  • Please have students double check their website information as I look at all the websites for accuracy.  If possible, please have them print the page (s) they will be using for their outline notes.


The fourth and fifth grade classes are going to Ford Field for a Blue Cross/Blue Shield event on Tuesday, October 5th.  We will be leaving at 9:00 and returning at 11:30.  There is not cost for the trip, but all parents must fill out waivers.  I will be sending those home Monday and they need to be returned by Tuesday, 9/28.  I'm sorry for the late notice, but we just got the waiver forms!
Students need to wear his or her RED polo shirt.  We also need 1 parent chaperone for the event.


Oh yes! We are starting our field trips with a walking trip to the local Public Library.  I'm hoping to arrange that for one day this week.  Please have your students bring their library cards if they have one.  I am also planning on having library card applications available for the students.  The goal of this trip is to have the students learn how to access the resources at the library and begin their search for books for their exhibitions.

Our week in Room 303

We have been reviewing geometric concepts such as area and perimeter of a rectangle, types of polygons, measurement conversions, and geometric transformations (rotation, reflection, and translation).  The students had their first quiz this past Friday.  Look for that to come home in their Friday Folders.

Students have begun rough drafts of their personal narratives.  They have been working on gathering ideas for their writing, pulling from special memories, experiences, and people in their lives.  They are sharing their writings with each other and will begin to revise this week.  We will be focusing on strong leads to pull readers into the story. Along with strong leads, they will be showing and not telling in their stories.  In other words, students will be using descriptive language through character dialogue and character action, as well as strong, descriptive words and phrases.

Students learned how to write a response letter to me this week.  This is a weekly part of our reading workshop.  They were given the task of writing about a character that was interesting to them in the form of a friendly letter.  I will answer their letter, asking additional questions about the book they are reading.

We began science this week with a video of gases, solids, and liquids, which are the states of matter we'll be working with during science.  The students learned the various properties of each state.