Saturday, March 19, 2011


Here are a couple of notes that I want to mention about the third trimester exhibition project.

1. The project needs to be something that the child cares about and can do something about. It is not a project where they can just say, "I'm going to pick up trash on the street with my friend."

2. For Milestone #1, if students are unable to find books on their topic (if it's too new or obscure), they can use newspaper articles or magazine articles to substitute for the books. Chances are, if your child thinks it is a problem, someone else has too and has written about it somewhere. Try going to news websites and checking their archives for old articles/stories.
The websites listed below are good places to start looking.
3. Stay away from money fund raising. Those projects are difficult to manage, but if they are interested in helping with relief to some place like Haiti or Japan, they can do a project getting people to donate needed items (do an online search for items disaster relief locations need if that is going to be your child's focus on the Do Something Project.

4. This project should be kid-focused and based on things that your child can actually 

5. Creativity and action are key to this project!