Wednesday, January 11, 2012


On Monday we began a new project that all 4th and 5th graders will be completing. This is probably my favorite project of all time! The project consists of letter writing, a field trip, a college fair conducted by students, and making a commercial with a group. It's really exciting because students receive mail at school from the colleges. Sometimes there are boxes with lots of fun souvenirs sent by the college.

There are several parts of this project that we will be completing in school and some parts will need to be completed at home. Every student has chosen 3 states and is working on finding 1 college or university from each state.

In April, we will visit the campus of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, to see what college can be like. All phases of the project must be completed on time in order to go on the field trip. Teacher approval is required to move from one phase to the next.

The website to find colleges for all the states is in the "Websites for Students" tab at the top of the page.

Phase 1
  •   Choose 3 colleges with programs (majors/academic programs) that are interesting to the child.
  •    Find the Admissions Office addresses of all three colleges/universities
  •   College ABC book with terms and vocabulary related to going to college
  •    Write a letter to each college asking for information (& souvenirs) about the college and wait for responses. We will write & send the letters out from school.
Phase 2
  •  Compare the information about the three colleges with assigned criteria on the Facts and Figures Sheet.
  •   Write a feature article comparing two and pick the best one. This will be written mostly in school.

 Phase 3
  •  Field trip to U of M (cost TBA)
  •  Create a poster or tri-fold board advertising the best college for you (out of the 3 students sent letters to).
  •  College Fair in school

 Phase 4
  •  Commercials and website creation-the commercials will advertise colleges and universities across the country and help student around the world choose a college! We will publish the commercials on the Internet!
  • There will be other multimedia components that are added later for those students who work ahead.


Second Trimester Amazing People Project

We finally have the dates for the Milestones for our AMAZING PEOPLE project:

Milestone 1:  Due Thursday, February 9th
Milestone 2:  Due Thursday, March 22nd
Milestone 3:  Duet Thursday, May 17th

Below you will find the Form for Milestone one, along with an outline example for Milestone 2.  I will also send home a hard copy to be returned with a parent signature to acknowledge you have seen the form.  

Second Trimester Amazing People Project