Monday, January 17, 2011

A note of recognition...

      I am very proud of those who worked hard and got their first Milestone completed on time with all three books and three websites as required. Many people took the opportunity that they had over the Winter break to work on finding the resources needed and turned them in early. Thank you! And congratulations on taking responsibility for your education!
      It is important for us to teach the kids about using time wisely and working ahead. When you work ahead and run into a problem, it is easier to fix and frustration levels remain low. 

      As I prepare your child for middle school, I want to expose them to a higher expectation of organization and timeliness. Going forward, your child WILL be having multiple projects due around the same time and it is important that your child work ahead to turn in assignments early, so they won't feel overwhelmed and excuses for incomplete assignments won't be needed. 
      As always, I appreciate your support as I continue to expect more from your child as they begin their transition from elementary school to middle school.

Having said that, there were too many students this time who failed to complete Milestone 1, which is the easiest one to complete.  The students know that I was very disappointed in their lack of effort and in some cases, their lack of caring. I spoke with the students about the need to set small goals and achieve these a little at a time, as opposed to trying to get to the library the night before a project is due, and about taking responsibility for their own projects.  If they turn milestones in early, there is still time to polish out any issues.  Please work with your child on this life long learning experience.  I know that they all can achieve to their fullest with our support.


Milestone 2:
Due Thursday, January 27th  

Notes from all resources in an outline format
o   During the learning team meeting, we discussed the main topics (roman numerals) that needed to be answered to assist your child in their "HOW TO" project, which was sent home immediately after the learning team meeting.
All notes must be complete, in student's own words, and relative to their project.
Milestone 2 is DUE on January 27th in order for your student to participate in the celebration of their milestone the following day.


There will be a 6th grade orientation meeting at our middle school (5310 St. Antoine) on Wednesday, January 19th at 6 p.m.

At this informational meeting, you will be able to view the renovations that were made to the building, get an overview of the curriculum, meet the staff, and ask questions.

Please come see what the middle school has to offer your child. I will be there and I hope to see you!