MILESTONE #2 - Please be sure your child follows the outline format that I sent home on Friday. The topics will match the topics that were established during your child's learning team meeting. ******In order for you child to pass this Milestone, the outline must be written in their own words, using the driving question from the learning team form. Material copied from the internet or books will not be accepted.
Math - We have continued with Unit 1, working on factors, multiplication, and division. It is very important for you to work with your students daily on their math facts. Students realized how difficult it is to factor numbers without complete knowledge of their facts.
Reading - Most groups met this week and have begun their guided reading books. We have been focusing on making text-to-text connections, text-to-self connections, and text-to-world connections. They have started writing in their reading response journals, with one of the paragraphs devoted to making connections to the book they are currently reading. They are focusing also in using sticky notes or thinkmarks to track their reading. These are used during their guided reading discussions.
Writing- Writing has not been consistent this week due to the two days of MEAP. However, the students have been peer editing and revising on their personal narratives. This weekend they were to write final drafts with an ending that either brought back language from the beginning of the story, had a lesson learned, or was a memory ending.
We will be starting mysteries this next week. This was launched in Village with students reading "The Case of the Missing Billy", by Jimmy Jimereeno. The students participated in a Crime Lab and needed to find clues to the missing rabbit, including fingerprints, various powders, footprints, and matching blue ink to a piece of writing. Four teachers dressed up as characters and the students asked us questions based on evidence. An awesome time was had by all!
Science- Science was held in the Village twice this week with students working on "dancing raisins", and building molecules out of gumdrops.
MEAP- Students took the MEAP reading tests on Tuesday and Wednesday, and will be taking math and science this coming Tuesday and Wednesday. Please be sure your child has enough sleep the night before AND a healthy breakfast that day!